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Document Sign-Off Report

The Document Sign-Off Report is a read-only report that shows the status of work program and checklist documents, indicating whether the document has Not Started, In Progress, or Completed. The folders can be expanded or collapsed as necessary.

To generate a document sign-off report, in the Document Manager, expand the Control Documents folder and open the DSORPT Document sign-off report document. To refresh the report while still open, click the refresh icon . Documents can have the following sign-off status:

Status Description

Not Started

No procedures have been signed off.

In Progress

One or more procedures have been signed off, but the document has not been signed off.

Partially Completed

One or more procedures have not been signed off, and the document has been signed off.

Fully Completed

All procedures have been signed off, and the document has been signed off.

Combined with the Document Manager, you can easily determine how far along each document is in the signoff process. For example, if your Firm uses four different roles for sign off (Preparer, Reviewer, Manager, Partner), each role will display as a separate checkmark. Once all four roles are signed off, a larger green checkmark will be displayed.