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Defining Firm Deliverables and Client Information

This deliverables section gathers information with respect to the services to be provided (firm deliverables), expected delivery dates (documentation and explanations) and what is expected from the client (client deliverables) prior to the start of fieldwork.

This section requires two steps to be completed: Define deliverables and, once that is done, completion of the deliverables letter. The firm deliverables and client information letter produces a letter based on the information gathered in the Firm deliverables and client information document to send to the client to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the deliverables.

The Firm deliverables and client information letter also has the enable editing option available for further formatting.

  1. From the Document Manager, open the Planning folder then the Client Meetings and Deliverables Folder. Double click the document Firm deliverables and client information. open the General Inquiries and Analysis folder and double click the document Firm deliverables and client information.

  2. Use the check boxes to identify the specific services to be performed and the agreed upon budgeted delivery date.  

  1. Ensure you review all the areas in the left frame for possible inclusion. All areas marked are transferred to the deliverables letter.
  2. Click Deliverables Report to open the draft letter to the client.
  3. Customize the letter as required.