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Controls Dialog

Note:Some options in the dialog may not be available as they are disabled by your firm author.

Section Instructions
Control Doormat Menu

Click the doormat icon () to open the Control Doormat menu. The menu lists risks, controls and reportable items that have been defined. You can create, delete and edit a risk, controls or reportable items from this menu.

Title Type a description entered in the New control name field.
Navigation Buttons Click the arrows to display the previous and next controls.

Control Documentation

New control name

Type a short description of the identified control.

New control description

Type the detailed description of the control.


The identifier field is automatically populated with the user ID and a sequential number so that each risks, controls and reportable items are unique. This field can be enabled in the AO - General Options in the master template.

Financial Statement Areas

Click to display a list of entity level risks and material financial statements areas (FSAs). From the dialog that appears, select one or more items that affect the identified risk. Once the relevant items have been selected, check off the related assertions within the Financial Statement Areas Affected area. As the material FSAs and assertions populate from the Financial Statement Areas worksheet, the worksheet must be generated before they can be selected.

Note: The master template lists all of the FSAs, whereas the engagement client file lists only the material FSAs.

Business Cycles Affected

Click to display a list of affected business cycles associated with the risk. The list in business cycles is defined in the Financial Statement Areas worksheet. Note: If an FSA item in the Financial Statement Areas worksheet is already associated with a business cycle through the Financial statement areas worksheet, this area will be automatically filled out with the selection of Financial Statement Areas Affected.


Maturity Level

Select to rank the maturity level of the control from a range of 1 (low) to 5 (high).

Indirect Control

Select to indicate whether the control is dependent upon other controls.

Manual / Automatic

Select to indicate whether the control is a manual or an automatic control.

Frequency of control

Select to indicate how frequent the control is being applied.

Key control

Select to indicate whether the control provides reasonable assurance that material errors will be prevented or detected in a timely manner.

Evaluate Control Environment

Supporting Working Papers

Click to open a listing of documents in the Document Manager. In this dialog, select applicable supporting documents from Working Papers.

Control Design OK?/ Design Implemented?

Select to indicate whether the control design is satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Evaluation Results

Select to Indicate whether the control environment was satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Changed Since Previous Evaluation

Select to indicate whether the control is identical with the previous year or has been changed.

Roll forward

Select to include the control in next year’s file. This is selected by default for all new controls.

Test of controls

Test Control

Select to indicate if a control is to be tested or in which period it was last tested. Tests of control are used to gather evidence of the operational effectiveness of internal control procedures. It may be appropriate to use audit evidence about the operating effectiveness of controls obtained in previous audits.

Supporting Working Papers

Click to open a listing of documents in the Document Manager. In this dialog, select applicable supporting documents from Working Papers.

Control is Effective

Select to indicate whether the control is effective, not effective or not tested.



Click beside Risk, to add risk to the control. The following choices appear:

  • Create New (item) - opens the New risk dialog to create a new risk
  • Import from RiskSpace - adds risks from the CaseWare® RiskSpace.
  • Import from File - imports risks from a template or other source file, using the import controls dialog.
  • Edit Association - uses an existing risk. A dialog appears that lists the controls that have already been added to this client file. From the dialog, select one or more controls to be associated with this risk.

Reportable Item

Click beside Reportable Item, to add reportable items to the risk. The following choices appear:

  • Create New (item) - opens the New reportable item dialog to create a new control
  • Import from RiskSpace - adds reportable items from the CaseWare® RiskSpace.
  • Import from File - imports reportable items from a template or other source file, using the import controls dialog.
  • Edit Association - uses reportable items. A dialog appears that lists the reportable items that have already been added to this client file. From the dialog, select one or more reportable items to be associated with this risk.

This option is available only if you have enabled reportable items in the AO - General Options document.