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Creating Additional Risk Reports


  1. From the Document Manager, open the folder Risk Assessment then the folder Risk Assessment Summary.
  2. Find the 560-7 Risk report document.
  3. Right-click the document and select Copy.
  4. Right-click the desired location and select Paste. (Tip: the copied document will always insert After the selected document/folder.)
  5. Right-click the new copied document and select Properties
  6. Modify the document number, name, and any other properties and click OK.


  • The firm can decide to include columns for Assets, Liabilities and Income Statement in the General Risk Options dialog. The Risk Report Assertion Details option, under Available Properties, is deselected by default, meaning only the assertions will be displayed in the Risk Report (no assets, liabilities or income statement). To display these columns in the Risk Report simply select the option. However, if the firm does not use ratio class only one column assertion will appear in the risk report.

  • All columns are included in the risk report in the default view that may exceed a page. Some suggested print views are available from the default menu. You can edit either of these print views or create a new view and define the columns you wish to print on each page. 

  • Utilize CaseView's split screen function to keep headings stationary as you scroll. On the Windows menu, select Split Vertically or Split Horizontally. Drag the dotted line to the desired split location. For more information refer to CaseView's Display Settings Help.