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Available Filters for Risk Reports and Control Matrices

Note: This feature is not available in all products.

Filters allow you to create customized views of the risk report and control matrix. You can apply filters using a combination of filters.

Filters that can be applied to the risk report include the following:

  • Categories - by a specific Entity level risk or financial statement area

  • Potential RMM - by scoring

  • Date Identified/Aged Date - by the age of the created risks. One or the other will show depending on the selection made in the Report | Dates menu

  • Business Cycles - by affected business cycle

  • Risk Determination - by various risk categories

  • Materiality - by materiality group

  • Assertions - by assertion

indicates that the risk is a new risk.

New!Filters that can be applied to the control matrix including the following: 

  • Categories - by a specific FSA or if its Entity level item or business cycle affected

  • Date Identified - by when the control was created. One or the other will show depending on the selection made in the Report | Dates menu

Alternate views of the risk report or control matrix can be saved using a different combination of these filters. After creating alternate views, you can save your custom view and use the drop-down to select any saved view.

When you select a filter setting that is different from the setting specified in the view that is in current use, a Default button appears next to the View drop-down. Click Default to restore the filter settings to those specified in the current view.

If you have changed the filter settings and attempt to close the Risk Report without having saved a view for these new settings, a dialog appears that asks you whether you want to save your current settings as a new view.


  • To resize the columns in the Risk Report Table, click . Click anywhere in the worksheet, then drag the bars on the ruler.