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Audit International Firm Installation/Update

The firm’s customized master template should be updated by the Firm author. Once updated, the master template can be further customized, repackaged, and distributed to your users. The update includes changes for both functionality and content. The installation of the update modifies the master template and installs files needed for the client file updates. Users need to update each of the existing client files.

Step 1: Download

Step 1: Download the Audit International update installer

  1. From the download page, locate the most recent version of the file.

  2. Right-click and save the file. The file is saved to your hard drive in the directory you choose. When saving to your computer, do not change the name of the file. This could result in an inability to install the software correctly.

  3. Specify the directory where you want the file to be saved (preferably an empty folder) and click Save.

  4. Close your browser.

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Step 2: Back-Up

Step 2: Back Up your Existing Audit International Master Template (Optional)

Prior to installing the Audit International update, the Firm should make a backup of your master Audit International template.

  1. Close all instances of CaseView.

  2. From Working Papers, select Tools | Templates.

  3. Select the Template (Audit International) to back up, and select Repackage.

  4. In the Template Package Wizard, click Next, then select the name and destination of the Output File.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Save the backup to a secure location.

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Step 3: Install/Update

Step 3: Install/Update your Audit International Master Template

The Audit International update can be installed on the Firm author’s copy of the master template. Once updated, the firm author can review the changes, make further customizations if necessary, and repackage the master file. Your staff should install the firm’s repackaged master template with the update rather than the downloaded update. If your firm does not make any firm customizations to the master template, your staff can install the update as well.

  1. Ensure you have created a backup of your master template as outlined in Backing up your existing Audit International/CPEM master template.
  2. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, locate and double-click the downloaded file. This will begin the installation.

  3. Click Yes when the UAC prompt appears.
  4. Click Next on the Welcome screen to continue.
  5. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  6. Set the path for the Program folder and the Document Library and click Finish.
  7. Progress information is provided while the update is running.

  8. Click Close to complete the installation/update.


  • Updating the master Audit International template will take 10-30 minutes.
  • The order of documents that appears in the document manager has been streamlined for ease of use and to tie to the dashboard steps. As the changes to the document manager have been extensive, the update also includes the rearrangement of the document manager in your master file. Any firm authored folders or documents will appear either the top of the document manager or at the top of their respective folder.
  • The firm should review the document manager and perform a one-time rearrangement of documents if needed. The document manager of engagement files will not be rearranged, with the exception of any new files appearing at the top of the document manager.

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Step 4: Repackage the Template

If any customizations have been made to the master template, the Repackage function must be run and the resulting template package (.cwp) file must be distributed to your Users and installed on their workstations.

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Step 5: Update Your Client Files

Once the engagement file is completed, the client file should be cleaned up, and you should perform a year-end close to prepare for the following year. You should also apply any updates to client files before beginning work for the new year.

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