You are here: Help Topics > Engagement Management > Electronic Review and Signoff > Deleting a role set
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Deleting a Role Set

Delete role sets that are no longer applicable or not used.

Important Note: This operation is permanent. You cannot retrieve a role set after it has been deleted.

  • Ensure that no document uses this role set. If it is applied to a document, the role set cannot be deleted.
  • If Protection is activated, you require Tools: Options right, Roles, to perform this operation.
  • For SmartSync users, ensure you are online and synchronizing with the parent file to make any changes available to other online users.
  1. On the Tools ribbon, click Options.
  2. Select Roles under Properties on the left.

  3. Click delete, .
  4. Click OK.

After deleting the role set, it is immediately unavailable to the file and users cannot apply this role set to documents anymore.

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