Create a file based on Financials

The Caseware Financials template is designed to assist users in meeting industry, regulatory, and financial statement standards. You can create a new Working Papers file based on the Financials template, or add documents from the Financials template to an existing Working Papers file.

To create a file based on the Financials template:

  1. Open Working Papers. On the ribbon, click File | New.
  2. Enter a name for the file in the New File Name field.
  3. By default, the new file will be created in the Working Papers Data folder (Default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware\Data\). To change where to create the file, click the existing in folder link and select the new location.
  4. Under Based on, select the Financials template, then click Create file.

    Note: After you create a new file, you can include documents from another template. For more information, see Use Financials and Audit in a file.

The new file based on the Financials template opens and the Engagement Properties dialog displays. Specify the Year End and Year Begin dates to proceed.

To add documents from the Financials template to an existing Working Papers file:

  1. Open your existing Working Papers file. On the ribbon select the Document tab.
  2. In the Edit group click the From Library drop-down, then select the Financials template.
  3. In the Document Library dialog, you can use the Document Filter drop-down menu to display a subset of the documents. Select the documents you want to add to your engagement, then click Add. You can also drag individual documents directly into the Document Manager.

    Note: If a Financials document shares a document number with an existing document in the Working Papers file, the Financials document will automatically increment to the next available number.

The selected Financials documents are added to your existing Working Papers file.