Updating the master template

The following steps describe how to update the master template.


  1. Double-click the update file that you have downloaded from the Caseware website.
  2. You are prompted to backup the master template. You can complete the backup through the prompt, or manually from the Templates menu. Refer to Repackaging the template for backup for more details.
  3. Follow the prompts in the Install Template Package dialog to run the update.
  4. Leave the Program Folder and Knowledge Library defaults as is, unless you have changed the default library path when the template was first installed
  5. At the confirmation dialog, click OK to close the update.

    Note: Only one person in the office needs to update the master template. This designated individual (typically the firm author) then repackages and redistributes the template to all users.


The update is now complete.

Note: The update creates a log file in the Caseware\Scripts folder. If there is a problem with the update, template authors will need to provide the update log to Caseware Support.