You are here: Help Topics > Setup > Knowledge Library > Repackage Knowledge Library entries

Repackage Knowledge Library entries

Template authors can filter the content in a Knowledge Library down to the entries that meet specific criteria, then repackage them as a new Knowledge Library to send to their end-users.

To repackage Knowledge Library entries:

  1. On the ribbon, click File | Knowledge Library | Knowledge Library Index. Select the applicable KLI and click OK.
  2. In the Knowledge Library Index, click File | Repackage or the Repackage icon on the toolbar.
  3. Next to the Destination field, click Browse.... Navigate to the destination folder for the new Knowledge Library Index. In the File name field, enter a name for the new Knowledge Library file. Click Save.
  4. In the Destination Label field, enter a label for the new Knowledge Library.
  5. Select Delete all contents in the destination file before copying. Click Next.
  6. Enter an optional filter to refine the Knowledge Library entries to repackage. Note that the entire Knowledge Library will be repackaged for entries that are included in the filter, including entries that should be excluded.
  7. If the new Knowledge Library should only contain the teams associated with the selected entries, select Copy only referenced users.
  8. If required, select New account management password and assign a new password for the new Knowledge Library. Click Finish.

The Knowledge Library entries are repackaged and open as a new Knowledge Library.