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Create a data store

There are two available types of data stores, xBase and SQL. Use the following guidelines to determine the suitable data store type for your organization:

xBase data store

  • Under 50 users
  • Using a reliable, fixed wire network

SQL data store

  • Over 50 users
  • Using Microsoft SQL Server

Before creating a data store, ensure that each user who will be attached to the data store has read, write, and delete permissions for the directory and server.

To create an xBase data store:

  1. Launch the Data Store Administration Tool. In the Create/Connect group, click Create....
  2. The Data Store Creation Wizard displays. Select New xBase Data Store and click Next.
  3. In the Folder field, enter a path or Browse for a location where you want to create the data store. You can select a drive-mapped location (such as m:\CompanyData) or a UNC (such as \\sharedserver\store). Click Next.
  4. Select whether to create a blank data store, or import data from an existing data store. Click Next.
  5. Enter a database ID. Ensure you record your database ID in the event that you need to recreate the data store. Click Next.
  6. If required, enter a security ID. Ensure you record your security ID in the event that you need to recreate the data store. Click Next.
  7. Enter a path or Browse for a location to save the connection file (.cws). Click Next.
  8. A summary of the new data store is displayed for your review. To proceed, click Finish.

The xBase data store is created. You can find the connection file (.cws) in the location you specified.

To create an SQL data store:

  1. Launch the Data Store Administration Tool. In the Create/Connect group, click Create....
  2. The Data Store Creation Wizard displays. Select New SQL Data Store and click Next.
  3. Complete the SQL Server Data fields.

    • Select the appropriate SQL product.
    • Select or enter a server name. The drop-down list contains all available servers on the organization's network. By default, the wizard will attempt to connect to the default SQL Server instance. If you want to connect to a non-default instance, you must qualify the server name with the username and either the instance name (separated by a backslash, such as USER1\SQL2015) or the IP address or port number (separated by a comma, such as USER1, 49795).

    • Enter a unique database name. If possible, the database name should indicate that it is a Working Papers database.

    • Select Use Network Server SQL Authentication and enter your login information.

    Click Next.

  4. Select a server location to store your database files. You can use the default location or enter a custom path.
  5. Select whether to create a blank data store, or import data from an existing data store. Click Next.
  6. Enter a database ID. Ensure you record your database ID in the event that you need to recreate the data store. Click Next.
  7. If required, enter a security ID. Ensure you record your security ID in the event that you need to recreate the data store. Click Next.
  8. Enter a path or Browse for a location to save the connection file (.cwc). Click Next.
  9. A summary of the new data store is displayed for your review. To proceed, click Finish.

The SQL data store is created. You can find the connection file (.cwc) in the location you specified.


  • Ensure your SQL Server is configured to accept remote connections before connecting to a data store or else users may experience difficulty connecting. To enable remote connections, you need to run the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool (bundled with the SQL Server installation package) and, in SQL Server Network Configuration | Protocols for 'Your SQL Instance Name', ensure that TCP/IP is enabled.
  • If you are disabling SSL and TLS 1.0 in favor of TLS 1.1 or 1.2, you must install the latest OLE DB Driver.

Disable Auto Close in the SQL server

When you create a data store in a SQL server, you must disable the Auto Close property so that the SQL database does not unexpectedly go offline when no users are connected to it.

To disable Auto Close in the SQL server:

  1. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  2. In the Databases folder, locate the database that you created for the data store.
  3. Right-click the folder and click Properties.
  4. In the Select a page panel, click Options.
  5. In the Automatic panel, click the Auto Close drop-down menu and select False. Click OK.

The Auto Close property is disabled.