You are here: Help Topics > Customization > Formatting > Attaching a Header or Footer

Attaching a Header or Footer

  1. Position the insertion point anywhere on the FIRST non-skipped line of the page on which you want the header or footer to appear.

    Note: If the paragraph with the page setup is deleted at any point, the header/footer reverts back to the page setup for the current document. To avoid this happening, you may want to set-up hidden paragraphs for specific headers/ footers.

  2. On the Document tab, click Attach Header/Footer.
  3. Under Attach header and Attach footer, from the drop-down list choose the header and footer number that you want applied to the page. Select Previous attached header or Previous attached footer to continue to use the header or footer from the previous page.
  4. To attach a conditional header to the page, for example a different header to print if the page prints landscape versus the one to be used when printing portrait, click images\always_use_plus_sign_shg.gif next to Always use. The Further Specify Header and Footer dialog displays.
  5. Select the condition you want to set headers or footers for and click OK. The dialog expands to allow you to specify the headers to be used under different circumstances.

    You can further define additional conditions for these headers by clicking images\always_use_plus_sign_shg.gif next to their titles. For example, you can define different headers and footers for even numbered and odd numbered landscape pages.

    Where headers and footers are assigned conditionally to a page, the header or footer is reassigned accordingly if there are changes within the range of pages to which the header or footer is applied. Consider the following in a range of 3 pages:

    Page number

    Type of header attached

    Page 1


    Page 2


    Page 3


  6. If page 3 is deleted, then page 2 becomes the last page and is accordingly assigned the last page header. If a fourth page is added to this header range then the last page header is assigned to it and page 3 gets a subsequent header.

    The size of the Header/Footer must be constant between those set for subsequent pages and those set for the last page or else printing may have errors. A diagnostic to detect differences between their sizes.

  7. To attach a second header or footer, click the Attach header or Attach footer drop-down list and scroll all the way down to the selection Attach two headers or footers. The selection is located after header/footer 50. Follow the procedure for setting the second header or footer
  8. Click OK when all headers and footers have been assigned.

    The header and/or footer marker appears in the Style area, if displayed.


  • Wide tables set to print horizontally across multiple pages, use the header of the left most page by default, however, other headers can be specified for the following pages if required. When attaching different headers to pages containing a wide table, CaseView finds the tallest header assigned to the table and uses that height when calculating how much header space to leave on each table page.
  • Once attached, the header or footer takes on the page setup of the paragraph it is attached to, unless it is a conditional header or footer designated to work only on landscape or portrait pages and the page setup does not match this condition.

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