Sort Groups tab - Table Properties dialog

Use this tab to create sort groups among the rows of a table. Creating sort groups within a table is an alternative to using Home | Table | Sort, the command that sorts all the rows in the table. Since tables can have headers, or footers, or subtotals that should be excluded when sorting rows, assigning rows to a sort group allows the users to just sort those selected rows.

Each table can have multiple sort groups. See Creating a sort group in a table for more details.

The box at the top lists all existing sort groups associated with the table. As each group is created, the properties display in this box.


Add a new sort groups.


Delete the selected sort group.


Enter a unique name for the sort group.

Start Row/ End Row

Select the start row and end row for the sort group. These will be the first row and the last row that are included in the sort.

Note: The row numbers are entered by the user when the sort group is created, but inserting or deleting rows in the middle of a sort group automatically updates the start and ending row numbers. Deleting the final row in the Sort Group also deletes the Sort Group.

Primary Sort Column

Input the number position of the first column by which the rows should be sorted.

Secondary Sort Column

If desired, input the number position of the second column by which the rows should be sorted.

Tertiary Sort Column

If desired, input the number position of the third column by which the rows should be sorted.

Note: If columns are inserted or deleted in the table, the sort columns update automatically. If one of the sort columns is deleted, it is removed as a sort column.

Link/ Unlink

Click this button to link the selected sort group to another table sort group, section sort group, or sortable section. When a sort group is linked to another group or section, sorting one sort group causes the linked sort group(s) to sort as well. This option can be used, for example, to link two tables containing information for two different years so that if one is sorted the other table sorts in the same manner. The linked groups are referred to as a Link Set.

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