Usted está aquí: Help Topics > Completion > Export and print > Export financial statement notes

Export financial statement notes

If you are exporting data from Working Papers to a GIFI file, you can designate the financial statement notes to include in the export using Sections.

To designate financial statement notes to export:

  1. Select the note text in your document.
  2. On the ribbon, click Home | Section.
  3. On the Section tab, select Include in Export.
  4. Complete any additional settings as required. Click OK.

The financial statement notes can now be included in a GIFI export.


  • During the GIFI export process, select Balances and CaseView Notes to export the financial statement notes at the end of the GIFI numbers and balances, or select CaseView Notes to export the GIFI header and notes while excluding the GIFI balances. We recommend that you exclude the GIFI balances if your organization wants to continue adjusting them in tax software while finalizing the financial statement notes in CaseView.
  • Notes that include tables should be exported separately from the GIFI balances as each table row will be exported as a paragraph with cells separated by a tab. This may cause alignment issues during the export.