Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Customization > Calculation > Equation bar

Equation bar

The equation bar is located at the top of each CaseView document. It is primarily used to enter or edit cell calculations, however, you can also use it to enter or edit paragraphs, row or column skip conditions, and renumber cells.

Option Description
Calculation / condition menu

Displays the 'Calc' menu when a cell is selected, or the 'Para Skip' menu when the cursor is on a paragraph. Click the menu to expand it, then select the appropriate calculation or condition to apply to your selection.

Cell label Displays the number of the selected cell. To renumber the selected cell, enter a new cell number in this field.
Calculation Editor

Displays as '=' in the equation bar. Click the button to launch the Calculation Editor.

Cell / paragraph contents

Displays the current content of the cell or paragraph. Cell calculations display in full syntax. To modify the contents of the cell or paragraph, simply click the bar and enter your modifications.

Cell calculations support all CaseView functions.


  • In Form Mode, the default function for the equation bar is set to input, treating any entered text as an override to the cell. In Design Mode, the default function is set to calculation, treating any input as a change in the calculation.
  • Copying and pasting a cell calculation from the equation bar into another cell will automatically shift any cell references by the difference between the source and destination cell.