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Adding Across Table Columns and Rows


To add across column in a table using relative references, use the function rctotal. In the total cell, enter the function rctotal(rr1,rr2) where the rc1 represents the relative position of the first cell to be included in the calculation to the total cell and where rc2 represents the last cell to be included in the total's relative position to the total cell.

For example:

rctotal(-4,-1) in cell ABC.e101 would be equivalent to saying total(ABC.a1..ABC.d1).

This function will accept either negative or positive numbers for the relative reference.


To add across row in a table using relative references, use the function rrtotal. In the total cell, enter the function rrtotal(rr1,rr2) where the rr1 represents the relative position of the first cell to be included in the calculation to the total cell and where rr2 represents the last cell to be included in the total's relative position to the total cell.

For example:

rrtotal(-100,-1) in cell ABC.A101 would be equivalent to saying total(ABC.a1..ABC.a100).

This function will accept either negative or positive numbers for the relative reference.

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