Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Customization > Tables > Changing a Table Identifier

Changing a Table Identifier

  1. On The Home tab, click Table | Properties, and then click the Table tab.

  2. In the Identifier box, enter a new Id label for the table. Table labels can be alphanumeric and up to 3 characters long. The table identifier portion of each cell number will be updated.
  3. Click OK.


  • If you rename a table, none of the related events (sort, insert, delete row) for that table gets an updated name. However, you can use the celltable() function to create a reference to the table. If the event is within a table, you can use celltable() to get the table label automatically. If the event is outside of the table, you can use celltable(abc.a1), where abc.a1 is a cell number, to get the table label.

    This function always returns the table label even when table abc is renumbered.

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