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Keyboard shortcuts

Press the Alt key on your keyboard to display shortcuts on menus and dialogs. By pressing Alt and the associated shortcut, you can quickly switch to the menu or dialog.

See the following list for additional shortcuts.

Shortcut Result
Alt+(letter) Activate the drop-down menu for that letter (i.e., Alt+F accesses the File menu)
Alt+(letter)+(letter) Activate the drop-down menu for first letter, then the menu choice for second letter (for example, Alt+T+T to access the Options menu)
Alt+F4 Exit the application
Alt+F11 Toggle full screen


Insert a non breaking hyphen

Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Alt+K Access the Knowledge Library Index
Ctrl+Alt+N Create a new Knowledge Library
Ctrl+Alt+O Open a Knowledge Library
Ctrl+B Bold a selection of text
Ctrl+C Copy a selection of text to the clipboard
Ctrl+Down arrow Moves a selection up one position
Ctrl+E Access the Style Sheet dialog
Ctrl+End Scroll to the bottom of the window


Insert or remove a page break

Ctrl+F Find an item


Close the current document

Ctrl+G Access the Paragraph Properties dialog
Ctrl+H Replace an item
Ctrl+Home Scroll to the top of the window
Ctrl+I Italicize a selection of text
Ctrl+L Insert and modify cell properties
Ctrl+N Create a new document
Ctrl+O Open a file
Ctrl+P Print the document
Ctrl+R Renumber a cell
Ctrl+S Save the document


Insert an optional soft hyphen


Copy the formatting of a selection of text


Insert or remove a column break

Ctrl+Shift+S Save all
Ctrl+T Modify the character attributes of a selection of text


Insert a tab in an input paragraph

Ctrl+U Underline a selection of text
Ctrl+Up arrow Moves a selection down one position
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert Paste a selection from the clipboard
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete Cut a selection of text


Redo a cut or paste from the clipboard

Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace Undo a cut or paste from the clipboard
F1 Access the Help
F2 Jump to the equation bar
F3 Jump to the next matching text or cell in the Find dialog.
F4 Print Preview a document
F5 Jump to a bookmark
F6 Toggle editing mode
F7 Toggle auto paginate
F9 Access the Linkage worksheet
F12 Recalculate balances in the Linkage worksheet


Toggle between the current mode and Design mode


Select the previous cell