Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Setup > Interface > Quick Access Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar

You can add commands that you use frequently to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

To add a command to the QAT:

  1. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop down, then click More Commands....
  2. In the dialog, click the Choose commands drop down menu, then select a category of commands.
  3. In the Commands list, select the command you want to add, then click Add>>. Click OK.

The selected command is added to the QAT. Using the same procedure, you can remove commands from the QAT by clicking <<Remove.

Popular commands

Command Description

Launch the New Document dialog.


Launch the Open Client Document dialog.

Quick Print

Print the active document.

Print Preview

Launch the Print Preview page.

Redo Reapply the last change made to the document.

Save the document.

Undo Remove the last change made to the document.