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Importing a Trial Balance

The import feature allows you to transfer your client's data quickly and efficiently into your Working Papers client file. General ledger detail or trial balance information can be imported from a variety of popular accounting, trial balance, and working paper software applications. You can also import client data from external files in any of the supported formats including:

  • CaseWare Working Papers (.ac)
  • ASCII (.txt., .csv, .rtf, .prn)
  • Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlt, .xltm, .xlsb, .xlam)
  • XBRL
  • Auditfile XML

Using dialogs and wizards to guide you through the import process, Working Papers brings compatible external files into your client file, whether it is a single client file or a consolidated client file.

The data imported into a client file is determined by the selections you make in import dialogs and wizards. For each import, there are various requirements and prerequisites to be adhered to; the success of the import depends on this.

Working Papers allows you to import the records of subsidiary entities into a consolidated file. The process for this import is similar the import process for single client files, except the entity must be selected in the context entity selector before continuing with the import.