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Selecting an engagement profile

When you are updating a client file, if the firm author has enabled engagement profiles, you can select an engagement profile to use.

  1. Upon creating a new file, the Engagement Profile Selector will appear. Alternatively, you can open the AO - General options document from the Document Manager and select an applicable Engagement Profile.

  2. Click to load an engagement profile into your client file. This updates the list of documents to be included in the engagement, and may change the global settings used in your file. A detailed comparison of the included engagement profiles is available here.

Note: If the firm author has not enabled engagement profiles for your client file, this list of available engagement profiles is not displayed. Instead, a Check for Updates button appears in the AO - General options document. Clicking Check for Updates ensures that the client file is updated to include all of the changes to the global settings that have been made by the firm author.