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Cleaning up your client file

  1. Decide which documents and issues should be removed from the file by unchecking the Retain on Cleanup property. By default, the checkbox is checked for documents and unchecked for issues.

    For more information, see the Working Papers help topics Cleaning up issues and Cleaning up documents.

  1. From the Engagement menu, select Clean Up.
  2. Where applicable, select options to Retain History, Retain Milestones, and Keep Documents in Recycle Bin. Click Next.
  3. The Engagement Cleanup Wizard displays the items that will be removed from the file when the Cleanup process is run. If any items should be retained, click Cancel to stop the Cleanup process and ensure the Retain on Cleanup property is checked for the applicable items. Otherwise, click Finish.
  • On the Document Manager, you can use filters to quickly see which items have been or have not been set to be retained on cleanup. From the Working Papers View menu, select Filter by, and then either Retained on Cleanup or Deleted on Cleanup.
  • Cleanup permanently removes all previously deleted work program and checklist procedures. (Until cleanup, deleted procedures remain available for review.)