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Updating Client Files


  • In the event of an error during the update process, refer to this article for information on restoring from a backup in SmartSync.
  • Documents and templates shown may differ from your engagement.

The following steps describe how to update the client file if a notification balloon has been displayed that indicates that updates are available.

Note: Documents and templates shown may differ from your engagement.

  1. After launching the engagement file, click in the notification balloon near the top left of the window to start the update process.

    Tip: See alternative methods to performing this step

    1. An Update from Template Notification dialog appears that displays a list of the components and documents to be updated. The update process indicates which documents are new in that version and separately, which documents exist in the previous version but are not included in the file being updated. The counts for new, updated, and deleted documents filter out N/A documents to provide a more meaningful count. The sign off state for documents, checklists and procedures is also displayed during the update process.

  1. Select from the following options: 
    • Yes - Continue with the update.
    • No - Ignore the current update for the engagement file. The notification balloon will no longer appear for the client file until a subsequent update is detected. Note: The update can still be manually performed by clicking Check for Updates from the Update popup menu
    • Never - Ignore all updates for the engagement file. The notification balloon will no longer appear for the client file for the current and all future updates. This may be applicable when reviewing a prior year file that will never require updating. Note: The update can still be manually performed by clicking Check for Updates from the Update popup menu .
    • Cancel - Postpone the update. The notification balloon will reappear each time the client file is reopened.
  2. The Template Update dialog appears. New! Before updating, you have the option to save the settings to reuse in a future file or load from a previous settings file. Click Update to begin the update or click Cancel to postpone the update process.

Option Description
Update Actions

Select to save your selections, which can be used when updating new files.

Select to load the selections made in a saved settings file and immediately update the template.

Select to load the selections made in a settings file with the ability to review before updating the template.

Existing Settings Select the settings file to be used during the update process.
  1. (Optional) During the update process, a Backup dialog will appear. This enables you to back up your client file before performing any updates. In this dialog, type the location of the backup folder. Click OK to perform the backup, or click Cancel to cancel the backup.
  1. The Documents dialog appears if documents have been added, deleted, or changed as part of this update.

    The file listing is collapsed by default. Click on each heading to view the individual documents in each section.

  2. For each document in the update, click on the checkbox under Add (selected by default), or Delete (selected by default), or Update to include this document in the update, or click N/A to indicate it is not applicable and exclude it from the update. For example, if a document does not need to be in this engagement file, under the New Documents, select N/A and the document will not be brought into the file. Once N/A is selected, the document will hide in the dialog and will stay hidden during future updates. Click the Show N/A checkbox at the bottom to display all items that have been selected as not applicable or if N/A was selected in error.

  3. Click the Update button to perform the document update, or click Skip to skip this step for now. The update bubble will prompt you next time the file is opened if you skip an update step. We recommend updating documents and procedures during a single content update.

  4. If work programs or checklists contain new or updated procedures, the Work Programs and Checklists dialog appears. For each work program or checklist in the update, click the N/A check box to indicate it is not applicable and to ignore all procedure updates for the work program or checklist. Click Update to update all procedures in work programs and checklists that are not ignored, or click Skip to skip this step for now.

  5. A dialog appears listing information about the update progress, including the total number of documents, documents updated, and an estimate of the time remaining for the update.

  6. A notification is displayed when the update is complete. Click OK to begin working in the updated file.

The client file has been updated. Any new or updated documents will be tagged and placed based on its location in the Master Template.

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