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About Checklists

When opening a checklist for the first time, the checklist is based on the selections made by the content author. Optional procedures can be added from the content library. You can also draft additional procedures that may be necessary for your specific engagement.

Professional judgment must be used in applying the procedures set out in the checklists and determining the extent to which they would be applied in each particular circumstance. Modifications to checklists should be made to address specific issues.

Procedures can be linked to identify which specific procedures have been completed to address a specific risk. 

Areas of the checklist can include:

  1. Risk report
  2. Management Letter Report
  3. Document guidance
  4. Procedures
  5. References
  6. Results and sign offs
  7. Conclusions

Some of these areas are optional for each checklist. Note that these areas may not appear in your specific checklist if the content author has determined that they are not required.

Tabs located at the top of each checklist enable you to access a specific area of the checklist. When you select a tab, only that area is displayed. To return to displaying all areas of the checklist, click the All tab. If an area is hidden or disabled, its tab is not displayed.

The top of the checklist also displays important information for this account, such as overall materiality, performance materiality, or current balance.

When you click the Procedures tab, an additional row of procedure tabs appears, enabling you to select a specific procedure section to display. To return to displaying all procedure sections, click the All tab in the procedure tabs row. The Procedures tab appears only if procedures are defined for this checklist, or if procedures have been deleted and Review Deleted Procedures has been selected from the Procedures menu.


  • CaseView’s Design Mode is locked for all checklist documents. All editing functions should be accessible from the right mouse menu, or the menus located at the top of the document.