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Editing and Signing off in the Conclusion Area

Some checklists may not have a conclusion area as conclusions can be turned off by the content author per checklist. Conclusions may not appear in your checklists if the content author has determined that they are not required.

The firm can determine whether or not to allow the use of electronic signatures for sign-off. The firm can also choose to sign off incomplete documents. The option is available in the AO - General options document, under Completion Responses. Once the conclusion is signed off, the document sign off located at the top of the document is automatically completed.

  1. From the Document Manager, open the checklist you wish to edit.

  2. Place your cursor on the conclusion area.

  3. Right click and select Edit Conclusion. You can also use the Areas menu at the top of the checklist, or click .

  4. Type the required changes to the text. You can use the CaseView Style Bar to bold, italicize or underline any text added.  

  5. Mark the Completed and Reviewed by check box and your user initials will be inserted and the current date will be completed.