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Prior Year Adjustments drilldown

You can drill down in any of the four prior year balance columns on the Working Trial Balance interface.  

Depending on the settings in the Engagement | Properties | Period Balances menu, balances entered in this drilldown can be either period amounts or year-to-date (YTD) amounts.

Shows the lump sum total from a year-end close or manually entered adjustments for the selected year.

Shows any prior year adjustments made in the Adjusting Journal Entries interface for the selected year.

  • If you drilldown on an adjustment column in the Working Trial Balance screen, adjusting entries that were 'Booked in General Ledger' will be displayed only for the current period. Non-booked adjustments for all periods up to the current period will be displayed.


  • Double-click (drill-down) within this column to view the source of the balance that appears in the PY Adjustments column.

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