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-- Reference --

SmartSync FileService Settings

Setting Name Description Default Value Optional Value
threadcount The number of threads the file service will use to schedule tasks. Number of processors on the server. Between 2 - 32
tasktimeout The number of milliseconds before a task is considered a long running task 2 hours Between 5 minutes and 7 days

The number of milliseconds before a long running task is killed.

Note: Value must be least twice the tasktimeout value.

24 hours Between 10 minutes and 14 days
maxlongrunningtasks The maximum number of long running tasks that can be run simultaneously. 4 tasks Between 2 and 32
statisticsupdatefrequency How often the statistics are written to Statistics.xml. 15 minutes Between 1 minute and 1 hour
filewatchertimeout How often to reset the folder monitor . 24 hours Between 1 hour and 7 days
cleanupinterval How often to check for stale response files. 24 hours Between 1 hour and 7 days
responsefilelifetime How old a response file can be before it is deleted by the file service. 24 hours Between 1 hour and 7 day
backupstatistics Whether or not to back up the Statistics.xml file. false - not backed up. true or false
statisticsstylesheet The location of a style sheet to format the statistics XML file. Not set. Path to a style sheet, which may contain environment variables.
maxlogfilesize The approximate maximum log file size before the log file is backed up and truncated back to zero. 10MB Between 1 MB and 100 MB
lowpriorityinterval How often to check for low priority requests. 1 minute Between 1 second and 1 hour

The time ranges during which low priority items will be scheduled.

If the specified time ranges contain any overlapping values, the ranges are merged into one continuous range.

Note: Flush requests can be scheduled at any time, however, a flush request will not be processed if the file to flush is being accessed by a user. By default, flush requests run at midnight to minimize the impact to the file service.

Tu - Fr 0:00 - 6:00, Fr 22:00 - Mo 6:00 See Notes.

When to process low priority items.

Note: This value is case-sensitive.

TimeRange None, Continuous, or TimeRange. See Notes.
  • The lowpriorityflushschedule accepts the following values:
    • <day> - is the first two letters of a day of the week in English.
    • <time> - is the time in a 24-hour time of the form hh:mm.
  • The lowpriorityflushschedule accepts the following syntax:
    • <day> <time> - <time> - schedules tasks every week on the specified <day> between the specified <time> - <time>. If the first time is greater than the second time, then the end time will be on the following day.

      Example: Fr 17:00 - 23:00 means that low priority items will be scheduled every Friday starting at 5:00pm, and stop being scheduled at 11:00pm.

      Example: Tu 23:00 - 06:00 means that low priority items will be scheduled every Tuesday starting at 11:00pm, and stop being scheduled on Wednesday at 6:00am.

    • <day> - <day> <time> - <time> - schedules tasks every day from the first <day> to the second <day> between the first <time> and the second <time>. If the first time is greater than the second time, then the end time will be on the following day. If both days are the same, the same time rules apply.

      Example: Tu - Th 9:00 - 17:00 means that low priority items will be scheduled every Tuesday to Thursday starting at 9:00am, and stop being scheduled the same day at 5:00pm.

      Example: Mo - Fr 22:00 - 7:00 means that low priority items will be scheduled every Monday to Friday at 10:00pm and stop being scheduled the following morning at 7:00am.

    • <day> <time> - <day> <time> - schedules tasks every week from the first <day> and first <time> to the second <day> and second <time>. If both days are the same, and the first time is greater than the second time, then the end time will be on the same day of the following week. This may cause the low priority schedule to constantly run.

      Example: Fr 22:00 - Mo 6:00 means that low priority tasks are scheduled every Friday starting at 10:00pm, and stop being scheduled the following Monday at 6:00am.

  • If the specified time ranges contain any overlapping values, the ranges are merged into one continuous range
  • The lowpriorityprocesstype values are:

    • None - low priority items are never processed.
    • Continuous - low priority items are scheduled as they come in.
    • TimeRange - low priority items are scheduled only during the lowpriorityflushschedule time range.