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About Syncing Engagement Properties with CaseWare Cloud

When Working Papers is integrated with CaseWare Cloud, entity properties in Cloud can be synchronized with the engagement properties in Working Papers. Changes made to the client file will synchronize to the entity properties in Cloud and vice versa. In the Engagement Properties dialog, select Always update engagement properties from CaseWare Cloud to synchronize this meta dataThe meta data that will be synchronized includes: entity number, entity name, website, SIC, addresses, city, province/state, zip code/postal code, country, and phone numbers. .

When engagement properties are modified in Working Papers, you will be prompted if you want to synchronize your changes to the Cloud. Click Yes to propagate the changes to the Cloud. Click No to clear the Always update engagement properties from CaseWare Cloud check box limiting your changes only to the client file.

After clicking Yes, navigate to your Cloud firm and verify that the entity properties were updated accordingly.

After updating your entity properties in Cloud, the changes will display in the client file upon reopening your client file. You will see an information bubble informing you that the engagement properties were changed.

If Always update engagement properties from CaseWare Cloud is selected, selecting a Cloud entity will always populate the Engagement Properties dialog with the entity properties in Cloud.

If this check box is cleared, you can still auto populate the Engagement Properties dialog. After selecting an entity in the Cloud Entity field, a balloon will pop up prompting you to automatically populate your engagement properties with the entity properties contained in Cloud. Click the balloon to synchronize the entity properties contained in Cloud.

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