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Usted está aquí: All Help Topics > Engagement Management > File Preparation > Account number settings
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Account Number Settings

If you are importing an ASCII text file or an Excel file with consolidated data, account numbers in the file may be combined with entity, division, or sub accounts in any of the following ways:

  • Account number may be combined with the entity identifier.
  • Account number may be combined with the entity and separated by a field separator, for example a hyphen.
  • Account number may be combined with a division or sub account number and separated by a field separator, for example a hyphen.

You must identify how to separate the account number from the other components so they appear correctly in the Working Papers trial balance.

Note: Only complete these fields for the account number if you are importing consolidated data.

Field Description
Account Number and Entity share same field but are not separated

If you are importing data for a consolidated entity and the entity is in the same field as the account number, specify the part that is the entity.

  • Entity Start Position - The character position where the entity number begins.
  • Number of Characters - The number of characters in the entity, division or sub-account portion of the account number.

For more information, see this note.

Field separator(s)

If the ASCII text file contains entity, division or sub-account numbers as part of the account number, you must determine how you want those parts of the account number to appear in the trial balance.Enter the field separator(s) and click the Advanced button if the entity, division, or sub-account are part of the account number.

For more information, see this note.


Select this button to identify which is the account number and which is the division or sub account. The Account Number Details dialog opens.

If the entity, division, or sub-account is part of the account number field and is separated by symbols or other characters, click the Advanced button to specify the correct order and appearance of the account number.

Once set, an example account number is parsed and appears in the following preview fields:

  • Account Number
  • Entity
  • Sub-Account
  • Division

If you made a mistake, click the Advanced button and adjust the settings.

Reset Click this button in the Account Number Details dialog to revert to the original way the account number is in the ASCII or Excel file.
Assign duplicate accounts individually

Select this check box to assign an entity to the imported data manually using the abbreviated entity numbers in the Excel file. Specify, by filling in the box, the abbreviated entity number to be associated with the top-level entity.

Note: This option is only available if you did not select the Account Number and Entity share same field but are not separated check box.

Remove entity from account numbers

If an account number is combined with an entity (they share the same field), selecting this option "strips" the entity from the account number.

Note: This option is only available if you selected the Account Number and Entity share same field but are not separated check box.

Assign entity through divisional profile

Select this option to allow the existing divisional profile to handle classifying the imported information. Selecting Assign entity through divisional profile will take you to the Entity Profile Setup dialog to select the entity branch for the import.

This check box only appears if the Account Number and Entity share same field but are not separated check box is selected.

Note: If there is no consolidation structure set for the file, when the import begins the Consolidation dialog opens to allow the creation of the consolidation structure. The import can then proceed on the whole or on any branch of the consolidation structure using the split up.

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