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-- Reference --

Accpac (Advantage series) and Sage Accpac ERP Import dialog fields

The fields of the import dialog differ depending on the import components selected.

Field Description
SQL: Pervasive Select this option if you are using Pervasive SQL.
SQL: MS Select this option if you are using MS SQL.
Period Balances

Imports the period balances when importing the Trial Balance.

Refer to Importing period balances for more information.

Invert acct. numbers

Reverses the account numbers. If left unselected, the account numbers are imported as is.

For more special information about inverting account numbers, refer to Accpac Account Numbers.

Do not pad department/division numbers Ensures that inverted account numbers are not padded with zeros.
Use department/division to build entity

Uses department/division codes to build entities if the file uses department or division codes.

Select this check box if the file being imported is a consolidated file but the abbreviated entity in the source file does not match the entity abbreviation in the Working Papers consolidated file.

For more information, see here.

Reverse closing entries (if use prior year/s GL import) Reverses the closing entries when importing prior year figures.
Prior Year Data

Imports prior year balances into Working Papers.

Note: Any existing prior year data will be overwritten. To leave existing prior year balances untouched, leave the check box empty.

Budget Data Imports the budget data.
Budget set (default 1) Indicates the budget set (from 1 to 5).
4-digit year (default current) Enter the 4-digit year of the imported file other than the current year.