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-- Reference --

QuickBooks Import dialog fields

Field Description
Select Client ID File The client file that you want to import. The files will depend on the chosen extension.
File extension

The extension for the file that you want to import.

  • qbw
  • qba
  • cwq

If you are importing from QuickBooks 2008 or later, cwq will automatically be selected

Accounting year

The accounting year, if different than the default current year.

If the accounting year spans across multiple years, type the year end date.

If the QuickBooks file has any GL transactions dated in the future years, the import needs to be done with the correct year for those transactions entered.

Period Date Sequence The period date sequence for the file. When the import is complete, the period date sequence is set in the Reporting Dates tab of the Engagement Properties.
Prior Year Data

This imports prior year balances into Working Papers.

Note: Any existing prior year data will be overwritten. To leave existing prior year balances untouched, leave the check box empty.

Budget Data

This imports the budget data.

Budgets can be imported for version 6 of QuickBooks and higher. Budgets can also be entered against each account by customer or by class (i.e. entity) attribute (source).

Import inactive accounts

This will include inactive accounts that may contain transactions pertinent to the import.

An account may be 'inactive' when it is no longer used, but it is still necessary to maintain the history of the account's activity (i.e. prior year data).

Show all subaccts in acctno.

This imports the sub-account numbers from QuickBooks.

All of the accounts and sub-accounts will appear in Working Papers at the same level. You will not be able to roll up the sub accounts automatically into a combination account for presentation on the Financial Statements.

Use class to build entity structure

This imports classes set up in QuickBooks as entities in Working Papers.

The chart of accounts will have the structure of an internally consolidated file with each class appearing as a sub-entity of the consolidated file.

Tax code

This will import the tax codes that were originally assigned to accounts in QuickBooks along with the chart of accounts.

Working Papers will try to find a matching tax code in its own database and assign that tax code to the account imported.

Import Account Name into Extended Description

If you plan to export adjustments to QuickBooks and your QuickBooks account names are longer than 50 characters or they have sub accounts, the name of the account will be displayed in the Extended Description field for the account, the Name field.

When you export adjustments,this option must be selected to send the full account name and sub accounts back to QuickBooks.

If this check box is cleared, QuickBooks accounts that have sub accounts, or names longer than 50 characters, or both are truncated on import to fit in the Name field for the account. When you export adjustments, the truncated names may not match those in QuickBooks and errors may result when exporting the file.

If this check box is selected, descriptions that are too long are truncated to fit into the Description field. When you export adjustments, the truncated descriptions may not match those in QuickBooks and errors may result when exporting the file.