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Creating an export file from ATX Total Accounting Office

Besides exporting the Trial Balance with the company information and Chart of Accounts, you have an option to include the General Ledger Details (journal entries) into the export file.

  • Before exporting any data ensure that you have created companies in your ATX Total Accounting Office Database. If the companies have not been created, you will be prompted with an error message when you try to export.
  1. Start the ATX Total Accounting Office e-Bridge program from the ATX Total Accounting Office Program Folder.
  2. In ATX Total Accounting Office e-Bridge program, select Tools | Plug-In Program.
  3. Double-click the Export to CaseWare icon from the Plug-in Program window. The Export to CaseWare window opens.
  4. In the Select Company section, choose an existing company from the Company Name drop-down list.

    Note: Only the data of the company that you select in this field will be exported to Working Papers. If you do not select a company here, there will not be any data to display in the Fiscal Year field.

  5. In the Select Fiscal Year section, specify the year for which you intend to export data in the Fiscal Year field. You must indicate a fiscal year in this section or an error message appears when you click the Export button.
  6. If you wish to include the unrealized foreign exchange gain and/or loss in the exported file, select the appropriate option(s) in the Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss section.
  7. Select the Include Journal Entries in Export File check box if you wish to include the journal entries in the exported file together with the company information and Chart of Accounts. This is equivalent to the General Ledger Details option in Working Papers Import.

    Note: Including the journal entries increases the size of the export file. You should verify with your accountant whether this information is required before deciding to include the journal entries in the exported text document (.txt).

  8. Click the Export button to begin the export process. The Save As dialog opens. The default path in the Save in field is the path where you have installed ATX Total Accounting Office e-Bridge. For example, if you installed the ATX Total Accounting Office e-Bridge in the D drive, the default path would be D:\Atrk21\program\ebridge\. If necessary, change the default path to a more suitable one.

    The default file name in the File name field is CaseWare.txt. You can change this name, however, the file extension MUST be .txt.

    Note: Only one physical text file is produced from the ATX Total Accounting Office Export program. The contents of this file depend on whether the user has selected to Include Journal Entries in Export File option.

  9. Click Save to save the exported file. If you do not wish to save the file, click the Cancel button to return to the Export to CaseWare window.
  10. Click Close to close the Export to CaseWare window.


  • If the text that you are exporting contains a comma (,), quotes (") are added around the text. For example, Address1, Address2 would be exported as "Address1, Address2".
  • Any underscores (_) appearing in the account numbers are changed to dashes (-) during the export process. For example, BA_1234 exports as BA-1234.

The information from the ATX Client Accounting Office file will be in .txt format and can be imported into the Working Papers client file.

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