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Importing from Sage 50 Accounting (Peachtree - WIN) Export

File Containing...
Company.dat Client Data folder containing Client Info
General.dat Client Data folder containing Accounting Dates
Chart.csv Charts of Accounts exported from Peachtree
Chart2.csv Balances exported from Peachtree

For GL imports:

Export file Containing...
Journal.csv Journal entries exported from Peachtree

For inventory entries imports (optional)

Export file Containing...
Item.csv Inventory entries exported from Peachtree
Receipts.csv Cost of sales entries exported from Peachtree

For the payroll entries imports (optional)

Export file Containing...
Payroll.csv Payroll entries exported from Peachtree
  • If Protection is activated, the File permission "Import" is required to perform this operation.
  1. In Peachtree, select File | Import/Export.
  2. In the Select Import/Export dialog, select the General Ledger and Chart of Accounts List then click Export.The Chart of Accounts List dialog will appear.
    1. In the Chart of Accounts List, select the Fields tab. Accept the default, which checks all of the boxes beside fields 1 to 40 (40 is the last budget field to be included).
    2. While still in the Chart of Accounts List, select the Options tab. Use the File Path button to specify the export destination directory where all other files for import into Working Papers are kept. Ensure that the file name remains CHART.CSV.
    3. Leave the Include Heading box unchecked.
    4. Click OK to complete the export.
  3. Navigate to File | Import/Export, and in the Select Import/Export dialog, select All Files and Veritask Write-Up.The Export a File dialog will appear.
    1. In the Which file to export field, select the Chart of Accounts. Veritask Write-Up appears automatically on the right since it was previously selected.
    2. In the Path name of the file to export to, enter a the full path name (the one used in Step 2b) that ends with the file name CHART2.CSV.

      Note: The default is CHART.CSV must be renamed to CHART2.CSV.

    3. In the Which records to export field, select the starting and ending account numbers.
    4. Click OK to complete the export.
  4. If you do not require the full general ledger details in your import, skip to the following step.
  5. Navigate to File | Import/Export and in the Select Import/Export dialog, select All Files and Veritask Write-Up.The Export a File dialog will appear.
    1. In the Which file to export field, select Journal Entries.
    2. In the Which format to export to, select Veritask Write-Up.
    3. In the Export to edit field, enter the path name to the directory used in Step 2b. Ensure that the file name remains JOURNAL.CSV.
    4. Enter the year start and end dates in the respective fields.
    5. Enter the start date of Period 1 and the end date of Period 24. Note that Peachtree enters just one month by default, so ensure that the start and end dates cover an entire year.

      To minimize the size of the export file, you can enter a one-year period range, but we recommend that you use periods 1 to 24, if at all possible.

    6. Under the Which journal to export, leave all boxes checked.
    7. Click OK to complete the export.
  6. If you have inventory journal entries, navigate to File | Import/Export. In the Select Import/Export dialog, select Inventory Item List and Veritask Write-Up. The Inventory Item dialog will appear.
    1. If exporting version 8 or lower, select the Fields tab and accept the default check box selections. If exporting version 2002, select the Fields tab and deselect the five check boxes from Sales Price 6 to Sales Price 10 before accepting.
    2. Select the Options tab and do the following:

      • Use the File Path button to specify the directory you used in Step 2b. Ensure that the file name remains ITEM.CSV.
      • Leave the Include Heading box unchecked.
    3. If exporting version 8 or lower, click the Filter tab and in the Date field, select All. Skip this step for version 2002.
    4. Click OK to complete the export.
  7. If you have cost of sales journal entries, navigate to File | Import/Export. In the Select Import/Export dialog, select Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts Journal. The Cash Receipts dialog will appear.
    1. Select the Fields tab and accept the default check box selections.
    2. Select the Show boxes beside Inventory Account, Cost of Sales Account, and Cost of Sales Amounts.

      Selecting these check boxes will reorder the columns and they will become 26, 27, and 28 respectively. In other words, once the columns are renumbered, Field 28 should refer to the Cost of Sales amount.

    3. Select Options tab, and do the following:
      • Use the File Path button to specify the directory you used in step 3. b. i. Ensure that the file name remains "RECEIPTS.CSV".
      • Leave the "Include Heading" box unchecked
    4. Select the Filter tab and in the Date box, select All. Do not select This Year because it might use the current calendar year, not the fiscal year.
    5. Click OK to complete the export.
  8. If you have payroll journal entries, navigate to File | Import/Export and in the Select Import/Export dialog, select Payroll and Payroll Journal. The Payroll Journal dialog will appear.

    1. Select the Fields tab and accept the default check box selections.
    2. Ensure that the columns for Employee ID, Check number, Date, Pay Field-Account, Pay Field-Expense Account, and Pay Field-Amount take up positions 1, 2, 3, 26, 28, and 30, respectively.
    3. Select Options tab and do the following:

      • Use the File Path button to specify the directory you used in step 3. b. i. Ensure that the file name remains "PAYROLL.CSV".
      • Leave the "Include Heading" box unchecked.
    4. Select the Filter tab and in the Date field, select All. Do not select This Year because it might use the current calendar year, not the fiscal year.
    5. Click OK to complete the export.
  9. Copy the General.dat and Company.dat files to the export destination directory.

The Peachtree export file will be created. This file should be in the same location as all other Working Papers files.

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