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-- How Do I? --

Preparing Great Plains files

This topic contains the procedure for preparing Great Plains files for the import into Working Papers. If you are using Great Plains Dynamics 5.5 or higher - Pervasive SQL version, please refer to these special instructions.

  1. Write down the client name used to open Great Plains Dynamics.

    Note: If there is only one client data set that can be opened under Great Plains, skip Step 2.

  2. From the File menu of the Great Plains Dynamics client file, select Maintenance | Path name.
  3. Write down the path to the data files for the client.
  4. Copy all necessary files listed above, given the structure you use (Btrieve or C-Tree).
  5. Paste the files into one unified directory and set aside for the import to Working Papers.

The files will be in a directory and will can be imported into Working Papers from this directory.

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