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Consolidation and Working Papers

More than one non-consolidated Binder can be imported into a single consolidated Working Papers client file. Prior to importing, ensure that a new Entity is created within Working Papers for every Binder that will be imported. If you are importing a consolidated Binder then you will see multiple mapping dialogs during the import as each ProSystem fx trial balance is imported.

The import process is followed for each Binder to be imported. During the import process, an Entity Selection dialog will appear where you can use a drop-down menu to select the Entity that the Binder should be imported into. This dialog only appears when a consolidated Working Papers client file is used.

When the option to Import Client Documents is selected, the Binder’s documents are imported into a separate folder in the Working Papers client file. Ensure the folder is renamed before the next import to ensure that the folder and its contents will not be overwritten.