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Mapping and Templates

Working Papers makes use of Mapping functionality that enables the use of a master chart of accounts. Mapping numbers can be used to automatically populate account properties to provide consistency and accuracy for engagements and to take advantage of advanced functionality within Working Papers.

Map numbers can also be assigned automatically to each client file by using the Automap feature that is accessed by selecting Tools | Options | Mapping. For each account, the Automap feature looks at either the Class or Tax Export Code and matches it against the client file mapping structure. Word matching with the account description is then used to narrow down an appropriate map number.

For Binders containing trial balances that have been grouped to the Account Class or Tax grouping, the import into Working Papers will automatically populate the chart of accounts with the Working Papers equivalent and the Automap feature will function properly. If the Binder trial balance has not been grouped to the Account Class or Tax grouping, the Automap feature will not work. In this case, we recommend that map numbers be manually assigned using the Assign Mapping Numbers dialog, accessed from Account | Assign Mapping Numbers.