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-- Reference --

ProSystem fx Engagement Prerequisites

Before importing, the appropriate files are required. To perform the import with the required files, follow the procedure below.

  1. Create a local folder on your computer.
  2. Under the Engagement installation folder, locate all *.MDF and *.LDF files. These files are always in pairs and they are located in the folder: C:\Pfx Engagement\Wm\Data. For version 6.1 and higher, the *.MDF and *.LDF files located in C:\Pfx Engagement\TB\Data are also required.

    • The most common files you will see (and copy) are Admin_Data.MDF and Local_Log.LDF. For ProSystem fx Engagement version 4.0 and later, you will find additional files named as LocalBin_*_Data.MDF and LocalBin_*_Log.LDF. You will need to copy these ’r;LocalBin’ files as well.
    • The *.MDF and *.LDF files are required if you are importing information from a consolidated file or any Word or Excel documents that are part of the ProSystem fx Engagement file.
    • You may have to exit Engagement and/or stop the MSDE or SQL Server service being used by Engagement before you can make a copy of these files.
  3. Copy the above files into the local folder created in Step 1.
  4. Under the Engagement installation folder, open sub-folder Wm\WorkPapers\. You should see several hexadecimal folder names. These are all the Staff IDs in the Engagement software. Open the folder that corresponds to your Staff ID and you will see several hexadecimal folder names again. These are all the Binders created by that staff member.
  5. Copy and paste the path %StaffID%\%BinderID%\ along with all of the files in that path into the local folder created in Step 1. Note that the % symbol is just a place holder; each item, %StaffID% and %BinderID%, should be replaced by the actual hexadecimal ID string.
  6. In the import dialog, specify the full path of LocalFolder\%StaffID%\%BinderID%\ in the Convert Path field. You need to do this even though all of the *.MDF and *.LDF files are located in the LocalFolder directly. Note that the % symbol is just a place holder; each item, %StaffID% and %BinderID%, should be replaced by the actual hexadecimal ID string.
  • Identify the Staff ID and Binder ID of the Engagement data. These IDs are 128-bit hexadecimal strings. The Staff ID is a unique ID used to identify the person who logs in to the Engagement software, while the Binder ID is a unique ID used to identify the Binder (company data) created by that person. You should be able to find out these IDs by checking the properties of the related Staff and Binder in Engagement.

    If an Engagement Binder is a consolidated binder, it may contain multiple Trial Balance data sets. Working Papers can import only one Trial Balance at a time, so it will prompt the user to select one to import.

  • ProSystem fx Engagement files must first be checked out/synchronized to your "Local File Room (LFR)". Note that files from the "Central File Room (CFR)" are not supported. To check out/synchronize a file, you must have ProSystem fx Engagement Workstation installed on your local machine.
  1. Launch ProSystem fx Engagement.
  2. Click Tools | Synchronize Binder.
  3. Select the appropriate Central File Room and click Next.
  4. Complete all remaining steps of the Synchronize Binder Wizard.

Tax codes

  • For a consolidated ProSystem fx Engagement file, it is possible that each entity uses a different tax jurisdiction and tax export codes. In this case, Working Papers will not automatically import tax export codes unless user sets the Tax Jurisdiction prior to the import.
  • For a non-consolidated ProSystem fx Engagement file, Working Papers will automatically detect and import tax export codes.