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-- Reference --

Unit 4 Audition import dialog fields

Field Description
Select Client ID file (*.adm) The Client ID file to be imported into Working Papers. If this box is blank, ensure that the Convert path is correct.
Select Project file (*.prj) The project file to be imported.
Select template file

The template file for the import. Select the version of the auditionmapping.csv file you would like to import.

Note: The template files should be located in the client folder or the program folder.

Include adj entries Includes adjusting journal entry details in the import.
Prior Year Data

Imports prior year balances into Working Papers.

Note: Any existing prior year data will be overwritten. To leave existing prior year balances untouched, leave the check box empty.

Import non-zero accounts only Imports non-zero accounts only.
Import current year as prior year Posts the current opening balance and adjustment amounts to the prior year.
Autofill all account properties automatically

Autofills account properties upon import.

Similar to the Tools | Options | Mapping | General | Autofill | Autofill now option, all account and map number properties will be synchronized.