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Working Papers Features and SmartSync

Listed features may or may not be available in your installed version of Working Papers. Some features can have additional considerations when used with SmartSync or may not be available in SmartSync.

Features with special circumstances

If you create a new folder in the Document Manager of an offline synchronized copy, and then move existing documents into that folder, those documents will not automatically move into other synchronized copies after the file is brought online. Running a SmartSync Repair will correct this scenario by reapplying all synchronized changes to the client file.

The "All Components" option is disabled if the destination file is a sync file. To enable the All Components option, the synchronized copy must be returned to a non-sync state. All synchronized child copies must first be removed from the hierarchy of the destination file by synchronizing any outstanding changes and then, on the SmartSync tab, selecting Delete Copy. Once all synchronized child copies have been removed, select the SmartSync tab in the master copy and choose Clear Synchronization Information. With all sync-related information removed, the file can receive any components through Copy Components.

  • If a tax export code is deleted in one synchronized copy, and in another sync copy, an adjustment line item is created that is tied to that tax export code, the adjustment line will not be automatically deleted when the two copies synchronize. All adjustment line items assigned to that tax export code will have to be manually deleted.

Consolidation requires an online connection to the Parent file in SmartSync.

See File Change Conflicts in External and CaseView Documents for information on how document file versions are shown.

The Lock Down option is not enabled until all child copies synchronize their changes and are either Online or are removed from the sync hierarchy.

The Clean Up option will not be enabled until all child copies are online or abandoned, similar to the restrictions for Lock Down.

Attempting to run a Clean Up while offline will automatically take the file online to communicate with the parent file. If the parent file cannot be found, an error will be displayed and cleanup will not continue.

The option to "Abandon Outstanding Child Files" has been added to the Engagement Cleanup wizard with the same conditions as those listed in SmartSync and Lockdown.

Changing a mapping/grouping mask in an offline SmartSync session is not supported. When using SmartSync, if a mapping/grouping mask is modified in one synchronized copy and a map/group number is added to another synchronized copy, the mask will not be applied to the map/group number when the two files synchronize.

See Protection and SmartSync for information on Protection within a SmartSync environment.

When importing from another accounting software package or an ASCII file, the file will automatically attempt to go online prior to proceeding with the import. If the file cannot go online, the user will be prompted as to whether or not to proceed.

The Maintenance option will not be enabled until all child copies have been brought online or abandoned, similar to Lock Down and Cleanup.

The option to "Abandon Outstanding Child Files" has been added to the Maintenance wizard with the same conditions as those listed in the Lock Down and Cleanup notes.

There is a limitation in specific SmartSync functionality when more than one child file is created from the same parent. If only the parent and one synchronized child exist, these areas are available in both. Creating a second child disables this functionality. Affected areas include:

  • Changing Journal IDs under Other Entries | Customize
  • Changing Tax Code IDs under Tools | Options | Lists
  • Changing Units under Tools | Options | Lists
  • Changing the Mask under Tools | Options | Mapping

Features currently not available in SmartSync

When synchronizing in a peer-to-peer environment, CaseView exclusive locks are unavailable.

Milestones can add a large amount of network traffic in a SmartSync environment when they are transmitted to all of the SmartSync users. The milestones feature is therefore disabled in SmartSync.

Since SmartSync is meant to be an alternative to Sign Out/Check Out, these features are not available in a synchronized file.

Non-synchronized client files opened in a SmartSync compatible version of Working Papers can still make use of these features, but once a synchronized child copy is created, the file can no longer be signed out, or its components checked out.

Attempting to create an offline copy of a file that has been signed out or that has components checked out will display an error message.

SmartSync | Work Offline is also unavailable until the file has been completely signed and checked in.

Year End Close changes are not included in the Synchronization log. The changes related to the Year End Close will not be sent to other synchronized copies, and information in the sync log may overwrite changes performed by the Year End Close.

Two different scenarios fall under the category of a Year End Close that closes into an existing file:

  • A Year End Close where the destination file already exists. For example, a client performs a Year End Close and creates a new file to begin the current year. If the client then makes a change in the prior year file and performs another Year End Close with the same current year file selected as the destination, this is considered to be a Multiple Year End Close.

  • A Year End Close where the File to be Used for Next Year is the same as the file currently being used.

    When performing a Year End Close, select a new file in a new location as the destination. Once the file has been created, any prior year changes should be done manually within that file, rather than through a Multiple Year End Close.

Note: If an attempt is made to perform a year-end close to an existing SmartSync file, an error message will be displayed, indicating that this action cannot be performed and the year-end close will be canceled.

This feature is not available in Working Papers with SmartSync.