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Tickmark References

You can include tickmarks from Working Papers in Word and Excel documents. The list of tickmarks is retrieved from your Working Papers file.

To add a tickmark reference:

  1. Click on the cell (Excel) or position (Word) where you want to add the tickmark.
  2. On the Add-ins tab, click Tickmark. Specify a Working Papers file if necessary.
  3. In the Tickmark dialog, select the tickmark to reference.
  4. Modify the tickmark settings if required.

    Option Description
    Include Image

    Include the icon of the selected tickmark as a picture in the document.

    Include ID Include the ID of the select tickmark. If no other options are selected, this option is included by default.
    Include Description Include the description of the selected tickmark.
    Use Font Settings

    Format the tickmark using the settings specified in the Font dialog.

    Font: Open the Font dialog. Customize the font, font style, size, and effects of the tickmark.

    Click OK.

The tickmark reference displays in the selected cell (Excel) or position (Word). If you included the tickmark image, you can reposition it as required.

Note: You can quickly add tickmarks to a cell or cursor position if you're already connected to the Working Papers file and don't need to modify any tickmark settings. On the Add-ins tab, click Tickmark List, then click the tickmark you want to add.