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Sign In a File

After you've completed your changes to the signed out file, you can sign it in to update the central file, and restore full access to other staff.

To sign in a file:

  1. On the ribbon, click Engagement | Sign In.
  2. In the dialog, ensure that Keep the file signed out is not selected. If you want to compress the file after signing in your copy, select Close and compress the engagement after sign-in.
  3. Click Sign In.

The modified copy is signed in to the central copy which is updated with your changes. The central file is no longer read-only

Notes: When signing in files with documents or entries checked out, you can abandon all changes to these checked out copies.

Sign In Another User's Signed Out File

If required, you can grant users the right to sign in a file that was signed out by another user. Note that you must enable protection on the file to grant users this right, otherwise the original user must sign the file in.

To grant users the right to sign in files:

  1. On the ribbon, click Tools | Protection | Protection Setup.
  2. In the Available Groups list, select the applicable group of users. Click Properties.
  3. On the Rights tab, click Engagement.
  4. In the Commands pane, select Allow signing in of files signed out by others. Click OK.

The user group can sign in files that were signed out by other users.