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Create a linkage

You can create linkages from the CaseWare Linkage command in Connector, the Insert Function command in Excel, or by manually adding a formula in the Formula bar.

CaseWare Linkage (Connector)

Using the CaseWare Linkage command, you can select from a number of Working Papers categories, refine and format the resulting values, then generate a linkage formula in your Word or Excel document.

To create a linkage using CaseWare Linkage:

  1. Ensure that Connector can establish a connection to the source Working Papers file.
  2. In Word or Excel, place your cursor in the position or cell where you want to create a link.
  3. On the ribbon, click the Add-ins tab, then in the Connector group, click CaseWare Linkage. Your selected linkage protocol displays in the header of the CaseWare Linkage dialog. New linkages will automatically use the selected protocol.

  4. Select a Working Papers Category to retrieve a result set from the file.
  5. Refine and format the result set and values as required.

    Option Description
    Entity Retrieve results for a specific entity in a consolidated file.
    Parent Only Balances Retrieve results for the parent entity only in a consolidated file.
    Trial Balances Show all of the accounts in the currently selected entity and all sub-entities
    Reporting Period Retrieve results for a specific period.
    Fiscal Year Retrieve results for prior years.
    Currency/Date Format Specify the appearance of dates, numbers and currencies.
    Balance Type Retrieve values for a specific balance type.
    Balance Name Retrieve the budget, forecast, or custom balance, if applicable.
    Use Sign Retrieve positive and negative values.
    Period Only Balance Retrieve balances for a specific period.
    Foreign Exchange Retrieve balances with foreign rates applied.
    Include Sub Balances Retrieve balances that include sub balances.
    Other Basis Adjustments Retrieve balances including other basis adjustments.
    Account Rounding Specify when values are rounded during calculations.
    Hide Zero Values Hide values with zero balances from the results.
  6. In the result set, select the value you want to link. You can only link values under bolded columns. If the value you want to link is under an unbolded column, you can insert the value without a linkage formula by right-clicking the value and clicking Link Data.

    The corresponding formula is automatically generated at the bottom of the dialog. If the value is correct, click Accept.

The linkage is created in your Word or Excel document. Ensure you save your document after verifying all changes.


  • You can edit UDF linkages from the CaseWare Linkage dialog, DDE linkages from Tools | DDE Links | Edit DDE Link..., or Excel linkages directly in the Formula Bar. After editing a linkage, you may need to perform a recalculation to see your changes.
  • You can continue to create linkages while the CaseWare Linkage dialog is open by clicking a new position or cell, then adding a linkage.
  • You can create calculated linkages by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing constants and values from multiple linkages.

Insert Function (Excel)

You can manually create UDF-based linkages using the Insert Function command in Excel. Creating linkages using this method may require advanced knowledge of Working Papers databases and applicable linkage functions.

To create a linkage using Insert Function:

  1. Ensure that Connector can establish a connection to the source Working Papers file.
  2. On the Formula Bar in Excel, click Insert Function.
  3. In the Insert Function dialog, select CaseWare.Connector from the category drop-down menu. Select the applicable function and click OK.
  4. The Function Arguments dialog displays. Enter the applicable function arguments in each field. Do not include parentheses and ensure that you to enclose each argument in double quotations (").
  5. Verify that your syntax and formula results are correct. Click OK.

The UDF linkage is created in your Excel document. Ensure you save your document after verifying all changes.