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Procedures Columns

Except as noted, the Procedures area in work program and checklist documents includes the following columns:

Column Description


Steps to be completed by the engagement team. Depending on your firm’s preferences, you can modify, insert, or delete procedures from a right-click menu or from the Procedures menu. Procedures marked as Required , by either your firm or the content author, cannot be deleted.

Obj (Work Program only)

Associate objectives from the Objectives area to procedures. To change objectives on a procedure, select Objectives from the Procedures menu or by right-clicking the procedure. Depending on your firm’s preferences, this column may not be available.

Assert (Work Program only)

Displays the assertions assigned to the individual procedures or sub procedures. You can only add or change assertions to procedures you have inserted. To change the assertion, select Assertions from the Procedures menu or by right-clicking the procedure. Depending on your firm’s preferences, this column may not be available.


Select a response to the audit procedure from the drop-down menu. Depending on your firm's preferences, the drop-down menu list may differ or may instead be an input cell. Note: Once a procedure is signed off, the signoff must be removed before your result can be changed.


Once a Result has been entered for a procedure, this displays the procedure sign off with your user ID and date. Depending on your firm's preferences and the Result selected, sign off may be automatically entered or you may be required to manually check it off.


Create document reference links to documents where your work was performed. To enter a reference, select Insert New Reference from the Procedures menu or by right-clicking the procedure.

Procedure Allocation

Displays the user to which the procedure has been assigned. This column is displayed only if procedure allocation has been enabled in the client file.

Where your firm has elected to require an issue to a response type, other indicators that can appear at the end of a procedure row include:

Indicator Description

Indicates that you must create an Issue based on a Result response of Completed with exceptions noted below. Clicking on the icon will launch the issue dialog.

Indicates that an Issue has been assigned to the procedure.

Indicates that an Issue has been assigned to the procedure and the Issue appears in the Partner and Manager Summary document.

Indicates that a Risk has been linked to the procedure. The text will match the Risk name..

The Working Papers Issues feature allows you to create electronic review notes that can be assigned to any specific document in the client file or to the client file as a whole.

This online help system applies to all Caseware Audit, Review and Compilation products. Not all features are available in all products.