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Document integrity error index

The following index contains a list of errors and warnings that may display when performing a document integrity check on a CaseView document, and the suggested resolution method.

Error Description Resolution
A cell CLPxx has a name that conflicts with the naming convention

Engagement Properties and other specific program settings are assigned the prefix CLP in the CaseView naming convention.

If a cell is given a cell ID starting with CLP, a conflict occurs when using the cell in a calculation. By default, CaseView references the Engagement Properties or program settings data instead of the contents of any cell beginning with the reserved prefix.

Rename any cells using the reserved name.

A cell group xxx is not in use

A cell group has been defined in the file, but has not been applied to any cell.

Even though the error will not cause any problem in the file and is given for informational purposes only, if desired, access the Cell Group dialog and delete the unused cell group.

A cell UDxxx has a name that conflicts with the naming convention for user defined data

User defined data is assigned the prefix UD in the CaseView naming convention.

If a cell is given a cell ID starting with UD, a conflict occurs when using this cell in a calculation. By default, CaseView references the user defined data instead of the contents of any cell beginning with the reserved prefix.

Rename any cells using the reserved name.

A cell xx specifies its width as Column Width but is not a table cell

The width selected for this cell in the cell's properties has been set to column width. With no column to determine the actual width of the cell, the cell defaults to the minimum size allowed in the document.

Access the cell's properties and change its width to a different option.

A header has been assigned to use either "Previous attached header" or multiple headers on the Subsequent pages of the range, and also on the Last page

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, if the header or footer assigned to subsequent pages was 1 line in height and the header assigned to the last page was two lines, then the last page's header will be clipped to 1 line.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

A table cell has an R / RC / RR / RCR / RCTOTAL / RRTOTAL calculation out of range

A table cell with a calculation containing a relative column calculation is referencing a column that is not valid. For example, if a table has only two columns, A and B, then a calculation in a cell in column A that references RC(3) would be invalid since there is no column three columns to the right of column A in the table. Likewise, the calculation RCTOTAL (-1, 1) would also be invalid since there are no columns to the left of column A.

This diagnostic checks table cells for the following functions: R, RC, RR, RCR, RCTOTAL, and RRTOTAL.

Locate the cell with the RC calculation and either delete the calculation or modify it to refer to a relationship within the table. For example, in the example discussed above, change the calculation RC(3) to RC(2) to reference an actual table column.

An instance of cell xx is set to Use Paragraph Font but is contained in a font range covering just the cell

In the Cell Properties Font tab, the cell is set to use the paragraph's font, but the cell has had a different font applied to it manually. With this in place, changing the paragraph font will not change the font of the cell.

Select Use paragraph font on the Font tab of the Edit Cell dialog. Manually configured font settings for the cell will be ignored and the cell will adopt the settings of the paragraph in which it is contained.

An instance of table cell xxx.xx is located outside table xxx

Table cells found outside of the table do not get properly referenced or renumbered, if the table they are associated with is renumbered or re-referenced.

Renumber the cell referred to in the error so that it no longer has the same numbering as the table cells. For example, rename cell ABC.C1 to just C1.

An instance of table cell xxx.xx refers to non-existent table xxx

Table cells found outside of the table do not get properly referenced or renumbered, if the table they are associated with is renumbered or re-referenced. In this instance the original table has been deleted from the document leaving this cell behind.

Renumber the cell so that it does not reference the missing table.

Cell xx is an accumulator cell and is not located in the Main Document

Cells containing the amounts that are going to be included in an accumulator total must be located in the body of the document to be included in the total.

Either move the cell into the body of the document or remove it from the accumulator group in the cell properties general tab so that it is not included in the total.

Cell xx is an accumulator total but is not located in the Carry forward Header

Cells containing the accumulator total are only updated if they are located in the carry forward header.

Create a carry forward header for the total cell.

Cyclic roll forward reference detected

A cell that is moving to the new file is in a cyclic calculation. That is the cell number in the new year's file, was referenced in the calculation to get the value of the cell in the previous year's file.

The cell numbers involved are provided in the message.

Resolve the cyclic calculation in the previous year's file before rolling forward.

Duplicated cell number xx is found

There are two instances of the same cell.

This error is often caused unintentionally when new copies of the cell are created using copy/paste.

Renumber the extra instances of the cell.

Duplicated table name xxx appears in Freeze and main document

Two tables have the same name within a document. This diagnostic checks the Header, Footer, Auto Copy, Freeze, Carry Forward and main document areas of the document.

Rename one instance of the two tables with the same name.

Header xx has been assigned for Subsequent pages, but the Last page of the range is using "Previous attached header" or multiple headers

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, if the header or footer assigned to subsequent pages was 1 line in height and the header assigned to the last page was two lines, then the last page's header will be clipped to 1 line.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

Header xx has been assigned to the Last page of a range, but Subsequent pages are using "Previous attached header" or multiple headers

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, if the header or footer assigned to subsequent pages was 1 line in height and the header assigned to the last page was two lines, then the last page's header will be clipped to 1 line.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

Headers xx and xy have been assigned for Subsequent pages, but the Last page of the range is using "Previous attached header" or multiple headers

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, if the header or footer assigned to the last page was 3 lines, and the two headers or footers assigned to subsequent pages were 1 lines each, then the last header/footer will be clipped to 2 lines.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

Headers xx and xy have been assigned to the Last page of a range, but Subsequent pages are using "Previous attached header" or multiple headers

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, if the header or footer assigned to subsequent pages was 1 line, and two headers or footers were assigned to the last page with heights of one line each, then only the first of those will be visible.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

Map/Account/LS (group) number xxx linked in cell xx is nonexistant or has no accounts assigned

The Map, Account, or Group (leadsheet) number specified in cell calculation xx does not exist. For Map or Group numbers it can also mean that no accounts have been assigned to them.

If this puts the document out of balance the user will have to determine why the Map, Account, Group is missing or why no accounts have been assigned to the Map, Group.

Map/Account/LS xxx is never linked

An account, map number or leadsheet number used in a cell calculation is not linked.

If this puts the document out of balance, check to see if the applicable Map, Account, Group xxx needs to be added to a cell calculation.

Overlapping sort sections between paragraphs xx and yy (sort group:"xxxxx")

Partial sections between paragraphs xx and yy (sort group "xxxxx")

In order for a section sort to be successful, sections in the same sort group may not overlap. CaseView's integrity check will search for areas where sections overlap and, depending on how the sections are configured, will return either of these errors.

The integrity error will list the paragraph index at the beginning and end of the overlap. Under Home | Find change the Find What setting to Paragraph Index and either manually enter or browse for the index in question. Once the overlap has been located, the sections need to be resized accordingly.

Paragraph in Table xxx (Row x, Col x) has set top-space-before

A paragraph in a table has had the before(page top) option applied to it and has no effect.

Locate the paragraph listed in the error and remove the before(page top) option from it.

Paragraph in Table xxx (Row x, Col x), which is not the last paragraph in the row, has set keep-with-next

A paragraph, which is not the final paragraph in a table row, has had the keep with next option applied to it. Applying the keep-with-next option to a paragraph that is the last paragraph in a table row keeps the row with the row/paragraph below it, but applying a keep-with-next to any other paragraph in a row does not have any effect.

Locate the paragraph listed in the error and remove the keep-with-next option from it.

Paragraph sorting label: xx is used in 2 or more sections

Two or more sections exist with the same Paragraph sorting labels. This problem is sometimes caused when cutting and pasting paragraphs from another CaseView document or from a knowledge library file.

Duplicate sorting labels may cause problems sorting and with linked sort groups.

Change the paragraph sort labels in the affected section(s) to make them unique.

Style normal has a following style Indent that doesn't exist

A style in the document has a style not found in the client file in its "style for following paragraph".

Modify the style in the Format Style dialog.

Table xxx (Row x, Col x) contains a cell xxx.xx belonging in a different column in this table

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. The table cell has been moved from its original column causing an inconsistency in the table-numbering scheme. If the table is renumbered or referenced this cell may not be correctly updated. In addition, it may cause problems with sorting and relative calculations in tables as well as inserting rows and columns.

Renumber the cell to comply with the table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx (Row x, Col x) contains a cell xxx.xx belonging in a different column not currently in this table

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. The table cell has been moved from its original column, and that column has been removed from the table, causing an inconsistency in the table numbering scheme. If the table is re-referenced this cell may not be correctly updated.

Renumber the cell to comply with the table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx (Row x, Col x) contains a cell xxx.xx belonging in a different row in this table

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. The table cell has been moved from its original row to another row, causing an inconsistency in the table numbering scheme. If the table is renumbered or referenced this cell may not be correctly updated. In addition, it may cause problems with sorting and relative calculations in tables as well as inserting rows and columns.

Renumber the cell to comply with the table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx (Row x, Col x) contains a cell xxx.xx belonging in a different row not currently in this table

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. The table cell has been moved from its original row, and that row has been removed from the table, causing an inconsistency in the table numbering scheme. If the table is re-referenced this cell may not be correctly updated.

Renumber the cell to comply with the table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx contains a cell xxy.xx belonging to non-existent table xxy

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. The table cell has been moved from its original table and that table no longer exists in the document, causing an inconsistency in the table numbering scheme of the table where it is currently located. If the table is re-referenced this cell may not be correctly updated.

Renumber the cell to comply with its current table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx contains a cell xxy.xx belonging to table xxy

Table cells are numbered based on the following logic [Table name].[column number][row number]. Perhaps the table cell has been moved from its original table, or numbered incorrectly, causing an inconsistency in the table numbering scheme of the table where it is currently located. If the table is re-referenced this cell may not be correctly updated.

Renumber the cell to comply with its current table cell numbering logic.

Table xxx. Very tall wide-table set to wrapping

A very tall table has been set to wrap when it prints as opposed to being set to print horizontally across several pages. Selecting this option may make the table difficult to read. In addition, if some of the pages on which the table is to print also have tall headers, footers, or carry forwards, some content of the table could be lost.

Change the printing selection to "Horizontally" in the Wide Table Printing tab in Table Properties.

The following cells are multiply linked to External Data ID xxx

There are multiple copies of the cell linking to the same CaseView database location in the document or the client file. This error is returned for informational purposes only, but there could be a potential problem where cells linking to the external data are copied or renumbered within a document.

Take into account any cells that link to the same external data within multiple instances or multiple documents in a file when copying or renumbering cells. In the case of external global data, the data ID is given as the error location. For external form data, the Group, Form, and ID will be listed.

The following cells are multiply linked to External Data ID xxx using different Load Calculations

There are multiple copies of the cell linking to the same CaseView database location in the document or the client file. Having two or more cells containing different calculations writing to the same external database location could cause cyclic recalculations or dependency problems.

Edit the cells to all have the same default calculation. In the case of external global data, the data ID is given as the error location. For external form data the Group, Form, and ID will be listed.

The height of header xx, assigned to Subsequent pages, is less than the height of header xy, assigned to the Last page

When Previous attached header or Previously attached footer is selected, the number of lines allowed in a header or footer is determined by the previous header/footer. If a previous header/footer has fewer lines than the header/footer following it in a series of first/subsequent/last headers/footers, the following headers/footers will be cut off when printed.

In this case, the bottom portion of the last header or footer may be clipped.

When the first/subsequent/last header/footer feature is used, make sure that the height of the header or footer assigned to first or subsequent pages is at least the same as the height of the headers/footers following it. That is, keep the number of lines in the first/subsequent/last header or footer equal by adding blank lines.

The parameter of action " " in the " " cell event of Cell xx in Table xxx (Row x, Col x) has a R calculation out of range

A table cell with an event containing a relative column calculation as one of its parameters is referencing a column that is not valid. For example, if a table has only two columns, A and B, then a calculation in the event in column A that references RC(3) would be invalid since there is no column three columns to the right of column A in the table. Likewise, the calculation RCTOTAL (-1, 1) would also be invalid since there are no columns to the left of column A.

This diagnostic checks events in cells for the following functions: R, RC, RR, RCR, RCTOTAL, and RRTOTAL.

Locate the cell containing the event with the RC calculation and modify the parameter to refer to a relationship within the table. For example, in the example discussed above, change the calculation RC(3) in the event to RC(2) to reference an actual table column.

The resulting cell from a R() calculation of a non-table cell doesn't exist

A calculation that uses the R() function is referring to a relative cell that does not exist. Either the value passed to R() is wrong or the cell that it should be referring to has been deleted.

Identify if the parameter passed to R() is incorrect. If so, fix it. Otherwise, figure out why the cell does not exist and recreate it.

The xx field of Cell xx in Table xx (Row x, Col x) has a xx calculation which contains a circular reference

A function in the specified cell relies on a range of cell numbers to perform its calculation. The cell in question is also included in the specified range.

For example, in a table cell, the calculation RCTOTAL(-2, 1) attempts to calculate the total of the cells in the range beginning with the cell two columns to the right and ending with the cell to the left of the cell in question. As the total is calculated, the same equation is called again which forms the circular reference.

Ensure the cell containing the equation does not fall within the range of the equation.

This diagnostic error may also display if the circular reference is located in the conditional cells of an action. For example, if the same equation of RCTOTAL(-2, 1) appears in the skip condition of an event action, an integrity check error will appear. To provide more information, though, the error will appear as:

  • The "<fieldname>" parameter of action "<actionname>" in the "<eventname>" cell event of Cell <cellnumber> in Table <tablenumber> (Row <rownumber>, Col <columnnumber>) has a <functionname> calculation which contains a circular reference.
The xx field of Cell xx in Table xx (Row x, Col x) has a xx in which the start cell number is bigger than the end cell number

A function in the specified cell relies on a range of cell numbers to perform its calculation. The cell selected to begin the range has a greater number than the cell which ends is.

For example, in a table cell, the calculation RCTOTAL(-1, -2) attempts to calculate the total of the cells in the range between the cell directly to the left and the cell to the left of that. Instead, the function should read RCTOTAL(-2, -1) to total the cells from left to right as expected.

Examine the function in the cell specified and verify the range of cells involved begins and ends at appropriate cell numbers.

This diagnostic error may also display if the discrepancy in cell numbers is located in the conditional cells of an action. For example, if the same equation of RCTOTAL(-1, -2) appears in the skip condition of an event action, an integrity check error will appear. To provide more information, though, the error will appear as:

  • The "<fieldname>" parameter of action "<actionname>" in the "<eventname>" cell event of Cell <cellnumber> in Table <tablenumber> (Row <rownumber>, Col <columnnumber>) has a <functionname> calculation in which the start cell number is bigger than the end cell number.
xxx balance of Map/Account/LS number xxx is linked x times

The Map, Account, Group has been used in more than one cell calculation.

Balance descriptors are provided with following identifiers:

  • Bucket<Period><:BalanceType><:Year>

Items within angled braces don't always appear.

Bucket is one of:

  • O: Opening
  • Y: Yearly
  • S: Semi-annual
  • T: Thirdly
  • Q: Quarterly
  • B: Bi-monthly
  • M: Monthly
  • F: Four-weekly (thirteen periods)
  • R: Random

Period is suppressed for Open and Yearly buckets.

The BalanceType can be one of:

  • OP: Opening
  • TR: Transactions
  • AN: Normal adjustments
  • AR: Reclassifying adjustments
  • AE: Eliminating adjustments
  • AU: Unrecorded adjustments
  • AC: City tax adjustments
  • AS: State tax adjustments
  • AF: Federal tax adjustments
  • BL: Baseline
  • Year: Budget (BY), future (FY) or prior (PY) balance followed by the year number.

This is only a problem if the CV document is depending on each Map, Account, Group to be used only once in order to balance. If so, remove the duplicated Map, Account, Group from any calculations that are causing the out of balance condition.