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GRP Function

The GRP function returns the grouping balance in Working Papers for the specified group number, mapping number or tax code. Working Papers provides 10 custom groupings, which can be used to group accounts on leadsheets or grouping schedules. Each account can be assigned to one group number from each grouping. Grouping 1 (L/S) contains leadsheet numbers, Grouping 2 contains group numbers, and so on.


GRP(<"Sign">,"Group","Value","Group Number")


Sign represents the ability to state the sign of the group or to filter particular accounts in the group based on their balance (debit or credit). The sign is optional. Available parameters are:


Credit group - where the sign of the balance is reversed


Credit only - only include accounts with credit balances


Debit only - only include accounts with debit balances

Group represents the custom grouping 1, which can be 1 for Grouping 1 (L/S), 2 for Grouping 2, etc., M for the Mapping numbers, T for the Tax codes, G for GIFI and A for Accounts.

Value represents the type of balance to link to the cell. More information on the value property may be found here.

Group Number represents the leadsheet or group number from the custom grouping, map number or the tax code. To return the total balance of all unassigned accounts for a map/group, use the identifier "_ _" (underscore, space, underscore).

Example 1


Returns the actual year to date report balance for all accounts referenced to leadsheet number 5000 in grouping 1 in Working Papers.

Example 2


Returns the prior year to date report balance for all accounts referenced to group number 2000 in grouping 2 in Working Papers.

Example 3

The following example uses a wildcard in the form of the question mark (?) to link multiple group numbers using the specified number format.


Returns the current year-to-date adjusted balances for all accounts assigned to grouping 2 group numbers that are 3 digits long and that begin with the number 2. In other words, this functions links to balances from group numbers 200, 201, 201 and so on.

Example 4


Returns the prior year adjusted balance for all accounts assigned to map number 100 in Working Papers. This is identical to inserting the calculation MAP("BA:YR1","100").

Example 5


Returns the active year to date balance for all accounts with debit balances assigned to tax code 13.A in Working Papers.

Example 6

There is support for the balance identifier "SUB". Using this includes the children of a group number in a total.


Returns the final balance for all accounts assigned to grouping 3 group numbers that begin with the number 4. In other words, this function links to balances from group numbers 4, 4.10, 4.20, and so on.

Example 7

GRP("M","PAR:BR:filt=post='Y'","_ _")

Returns return the total of all accounts which do not have a map number assigned to them.

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