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RAWENT Function

The RAWENT function returns the raw database ID for the document's entity.


RAWENT(<Entity Abbreviation>)


The Entity Abbreviation is optional and is the abbreviation for the entity as found in the Consolidation dialog.

Example 1


Returns the raw entity ID active for the CaseView document.

Example 2


Returns the raw entity ID of the given abbreviation.

The RAWENT function may also be used to return a string that can be used in ACT, MAP, and GRP functions. This is particularly useful when creating template documents, as the intended users of the documents may or may not have correctly set an Entity Abbreviation code in their client file. The RAWENT function allows the document author to universalize the template.


RAWENT(<raw entity ID>,<account number>)

Example 3


When used in a field calculation for a browse, this function returns the report balance of the account assigned to the currently active record.

Example 4


Returns the report balance of account 100 in the current active entity.

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