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RATE Function

The RATE function returns either the standard or planning rate being charged to the client as entered in either the employee or group information in the client file.


RATE("ID",<Rate Type,<ID Type>>)


ID is the employee or ground number.

Rate Type is 0 for standard rate or 1 for planning rate.

ID Type is 0 for employee number or 1 for group number.

If no rate type is indicated, then RATE uses the standard rate as default. If no ID type is selected, then the RATE function inserts the employee number.

If an ID Type is selected, then a rate type must be selected so that the RATE function understands that the third parameter, ID Type, is being set.

Example 1


Returns the standard rate for employee 233.

Example 2


Returns the planning rate for employee 233.

Example 3


Returns the standard rate for group 3.

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