Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Customization > Calculation > CELLLABEL Function


The CELLLABEL function returns the cell label of the current cell as a string into the current cell.


CELLLABEL(<cell number>)

If a cell number is specified, it returns the cell label of that cell as a string. This reference must be a direct cell reference. If a cell is not identified, then the function returns the cell label of the current cell.

Example 1

Enter CELLLABEL() in a cell with a cell label "Year end Calculation", returns "Year end Calculation".

Example 2

Enter CELLLABEL(ABC.D3) returns the cell label of cell ABC.D3. If that cell has no label, the function returns an empty cell. If the cell label is a function, then CELLLABEL() returns the results of that function.


Cell labels on the General tab in Edit Cell Properties do not support dependencies.

  • Example: If C1 has CELLLABEL(C2) function and C2 cell label refers to C3, then any changes in C3 will not automatically recalculate in C1.
  • Solution: If you are working with cells that depend on other cells to recalculate, consider using custom properties instead.

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