Vous êtes ici: Help Topics > Customization > Calculation > CVDATALNG Function


Returns the data associated with the provided "Group", "Form" and/or "ID" from a specified system database. Depending on the value of the "Form", it will make again another query if no record was found or the value is a null string.





SystemID - The label applied to the system database specified in the document settings.

Group - The group of the data. This can be set to a null string.

Form - The form of the data. This can be set to a null string. If it is in the "LL-CC" format (LL is a two character language code and CC is a two character country code) and the function returns no record or a null string, it will automatically make another query with Form as "LL".

ID - The identifier of the data. This can be set to a null string.

Example 1


Will retrieve the global data (no group and from associations) associated with "ONTARIO" from "STRINGS" system database.

Example 2


Will retrieve the data associated with "CNDPROV","EN-CA","ONTARIO" and if it fails will retrieve the data associated with "CNDPROV","EN","ONTARIO" from "STRINGS" system database.

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