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FIELD Function

The FIELD function returns the value of a specified field from a specified database.


FIELD(<DatabaseID>,<Field Name>,<Identifier>)


  • "AM" - Accounts database (AM database)
  • "MP" - Map numbers (MP database)
  • "MP1" through "MP9", and "MP0", Group 1 to 10 (MP database)
  • "SH" - Document Manager (SH database)

Field Name:

The field name in the database. For a list of field names, see AM database, MP database or SH database.


The item you're retrieving the value from (i.e. the account number, map number, group number, or document number).


FIELD("AM", "CLASS", "22222")

Returns QA if the ratio class was set to that value for account number 22222.